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How the Hyde & Co group is leading the way for more sustainable & environmentally friendly business

Here at Hyde & Co, we have always strived to be as environmentally friendly as possible by using local suppliers for our food and drink which got us thinking… how could we reduce emissions and our carbon footprint further when it comes to our other supply chains?

This is where Re-Stock takes the stage.

At the end of summer 2021, the Hyde and Co Group went into business with Phil Penwarden from Cheltenham Catering Supplies to create a large local hub in the outskirts of the city to store sundries and other essential hospitality supplies for all of our venues… and Re-Stock was born.

The Re-Stock warehouse was fitted with stock shelving, a prep kitchen, a large ice machine and a 20ft walk-in fridge and freezer which allowed for stock to be bulk ordered and stored at one site, reducing emissions both within the city and through the reduction of vehicles needed. Smaller deliveries could then be made by taking stock from one central location and transported to our various sites in Bristol, Cheltenham and Newport using electric vehicles, further reducing Hyde and Co’s carbon footprint.

During its trialling phase, non-perishable goods were the focus for the company while we identified any potential teething problems within this new supply chain. These included drinks and disposables such as bottled spirits, soft drinks, syrups, cleaning supplies, napkins and toilet rolls. But the project was such a resounding success that this has now expanded to a full supply store, with it now encompassing dry stores and fresh perishable produce such as meat, poultry and vegetables.

However, it’s not just supply chains that we’re working hard on to become a greener company. Did you know that all of our house spirits are sustainable too? By partnering with ecoSPIRITS to use their closed-loop system, we can reduce 60-90% of the carbon emissions footprint by stocking their ecoTOTEs spirits.

Since we switched our house vodka, gin, whisky, rum, calvados and coffee liqueur over to ecoTOTEs in Summer 2022, we have now sponsored the planting of 441 trees and prevented the production of 2,835 glass bottles in just 6 months. That’s a total carbon offset of around 9 tonnes of CO2! The switch has been such a hit and talking point for customers and industry professionals alike, that it’s now set to be rolled out further across the company.

With the climate emergency now at the forefront of the hospitality agenda, we are just at the beginning of our journey to become a leader for more sustainable and environmentally friendly business so watch this space!


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